Sunny VIP Club


Tell us what you think. Earn Points. Win Stuff, Like...

Your Opinion Matters

Welcome to the all-new Sunny 101.5 VIP Club. It’s like being a member of a fancy private country club (without all the greens fees and dues). PLUS, by being a member of this club you will have a chance to tell us what you think about lots of things including every song we play (more on that in a moment)…AND have exclusive chances to win great prizes with Sunny 101.5!

AND if you’ve been a member of the VIP Club for awhile now and you see your dashboard looks different, we have updated the VIP Club look with a few changes you need to be aware of.  
Please CLICK HERE to see an explanation of those changes. 

Rate Songs, Earn Points, Get Stuff

So, what can you DO with these points? You can use your points in our Auctions or Prize Pools! We’ve already got some FUN stuff waiting for you, and we’ll add new stuff on a regular basis.

Need more points to keep bidding?


Keep an eye out for concert tickets, sporting events, awesome experiences, coupons and more!

Text Your Song Rating

We’d love to know what you think about lots of things, including every song we play, and now you can tell us, in real-time! You can rate each song you hear, either by texting or on your desktop. You can text 574-236-1015 (heck, just add us to your contacts) with your rating while the song is playing. Rate the song on a scale of 1 (not loving it) to 5 (love it) followed by an M for more or an L for less. And every time you rate a song, you earn points! It’s just that easy!
We want to know what you think of every song we play, and now you can tell us, in realtime!You can rate each song you hear, either by texting, using the mobile app, or on your desktop.You can text 7158359299 (heck, just add us to your contacts)with your rating while the song is playing. Rate the song on a scale of 1 (hate it) to 5 (love it), and follow the number with an L (play less) or M (play more). And every time you rate a song, you earn points!

“5M” – Love it! Play it More!
“3L” – Like it! But play it less, getting burnt out on it!
“1L” – Not loving it! Play is less!

*If you are not a VIP Club member and text your rating, you’ll still earn points!* (But wouldn’t it be great to be a VIP and SPEND your points? *Wink wink nudge nudge

Join the Sunny 101.5 VIP Club

If you have any questions or issues, just drop us a line at and we’ll be happy to help. We’re excited to bring you cool and exclusive content, and we want to hear your voice, so start rating songs! Welcome to the Sunny 101.5 VIP Club!